While working part time is not necessarily prohibited under pennsylvania s workers compensation law it can jeopardize the success of a claim.
Can you work part time while on workers comp.
Our los angeles workers compensation attorney explains that any secondary income at the time of the workplace injury must be reported in your workers comp claim in order to qualify for receiving benefits for both the full time and part time jobs.
Speak to an experienced workers compensation attorney today.
Those employed through temp agencies will generally have coverage through their employment agency not the employer for whom they are currently doing work.
If you were injured at work but are offered part time employment at a less physically demanding job it is important to speak with an experienced workers compensation lawyer before making a.
In other cases it gets complicated and you ll need to know the rules or you could lose benefits.
You shouldn t get a part time job that involves doing the same thing you do in the job for which you are currently receiving.
In some cases you may be required to return to work.
Yes you can get a part time job while you are on workers comp.
Ohioans approved to receive workers compensation benefits can sometimes continue receiving some state disability payments after they return to work on a part time basis with the emphasis on sometimes a part time worker s eligibility for ongoing worker s comp benefits like wage loss support and payouts for loss of mobility disfigurement or amputation gets determined on a.
Can you work a second job while receiving workers comp.
Even seasonal workers whether full or part time can get workers compensation benefits so long as they meet all other necessary criteria.
But you have to keep in mind several caveats.
Can i get a part time job while on workers comp in pa.
But even common legal matters can become complex and stressful.
The final answer to the question is yes the simple answer to this question is that you can receive workers comp while working at a company on a part time basis.
If the medical professional says you need to take time off from work in order to recover this will help your chances of being covered by workers comp benefits.
Can you collect workers comp benefits while still working part time.
The answer is yes under certain circumstances you can work and collect workers comp benefits.
Remember that you are out of work for a reason.
This article is intended to be helpful and informative.