Depends on with what kind of cutting you want to propagate.
Can you do hardwood cutting of blueberries in early spring.
Cuttings need to be 10 to 12 cm long.
To take hardwood cuttings one year old shoots are used.
The following times for first shoot are expected.
Flowers make rooting almost impossible because they deplete the energy of the cutting faster than new roots can grow.
If you do try to propagate blueberries from softwood cuttings be sure to select young growing tips that are still supple and not woody.
Take cuttings from the upper part of the mother plant.
Softwood cuttings taken in spring will root faster then hard wood or semi hardwood cuttings taken in late summer to early fall.
Gardeners can take cuttings from new growth in the spring softwood cutting or older growth in the late fall or early winter hardwood cutting.
Late spring and early summer are the best times to gather and start softwood blueberry cuttings.
In taking cuttings be sure that the bush is healthy and you.
Rooting usually is more successful when cuttings are taken from the first flush of spring growth.
It s essential that the cuttings don t have flower buds if they do you need to cut off the top part of the shoot.
Cuttings taken too late mature leaves second flush of growth initiated may poorly root.
A 4 to 5 inch cutting taken from the tip of a new shoot will root best.
The quickest and easiest way to propagate a blueberry bush is through planting cuttings from an existing plant.
I have tried both the hardwood and the softwood cuttings.